Isabela Kaarto is a current student at Texas A&M University (College Station, TX) pursuing an undergraduate degree in University Studies - Global Arts, Planning, Design, and Construction Concentration. She also minors in both Horticulture and Sustainable Architecture.                

She is currently designing graphics and styling for an on-campus magazine, A-LINE, as well as doing freelance for different campus organizations.


I am extremely creative and find the beauty in the most mundane. I constantly work with different art forms to further my passion in the creative field. I have experience in designing with the Adobe Products, AutoCAD, and SketchUp, as well as some coding skills with Python and HTML.

Creativity runs deep


I am always working on something.

I am currently deepening my skills with AutoCAD to produce amazing designs in architecture, as well as getting into videography and photography, and the editing that goes into them.

Write me an email or message me on LinkedIn.